Search Results
"Day 238" Hillary Clinton thought about Universal Basic Income, but went with Deplorable instead !
Study Finds Universal Basic Income Would Grow Economy, Increase Labor Force
ENDGAME 22: universal basic income
"Day 240" Donald Trump Supporters begin to BURN MAGA HATS !!!
"Day 229" Two-Face Trump Doublespeak; The DACA Con and Amnesty in 6 Months.
"Day 219" Donald Trump Pardons American Patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio
"Day 243" Bibi is Pleased; Donald Trump to Renege and Welch on Iran Persia Deal !
"Day 253" John Kelly Struggles to Figure out Why Jared Kushner is in The West Wing
"Day 241" Donald Trump American Circus Sunday Edition; Protest in St Louis
"Day 212" Steve Bannon Revenge, He Targets Ivanka Trump - Jared Kushner Next Victims
"Day 237" Pedo Milo, Pepsi Ann and Uncle Steve go to UC Berkeley, Delusional Trump Supporters.
"Day 235" Texas Madman Says Donald Trump is being Covertly Drugged !